Income Protection Insurance

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Suffering a workplace accident or being diagnosed with an illness can lead to you being off work, which can have serious financial repercussions for both you and any dependents.

Even if you are employed full-time and eligible for sick pay, employers may not pay out for more than 12 months, after which you may be left to struggle just to make basic ends meet. Furthermore, if you are self-employed, having protection to replace your income should anything happen to you is absolutely vital. With an income protection insurance plan, if you are left unable to work due to sickness or an accident, you will receive a regular payout of income. You can choose the length of the policy to ensure continuous payouts, and so many people choose a term that ends with retirement.

Failing to keep up with your mortgage repayments can result in your home being repossessed, and so if you have recently qualified for a mortgage, putting income protection in place alongside this can give you peace of mind that you will not lose your home in the unfortunate event that you suffer an injury or are diagnosed with an illness. At Ashleigh Green, we can help you find the right income protection or mortgage payment protection insurance to ensure you are covered.

Contact us to find out more about how we may be able to help you.

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